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Dear Importing from China Entrepreneur,
We are living in challenging times. Thousands of jobs are being shed daily as companies consolidate operations. Manufacturing, and now service jobs are being off shored. It has come to a point where you don't know if you'll have your job next month-- a tenuous situation, indeed!
These sign-of-the-times are causing many people to go into business for themselves, for the sake of security and peace of mind. After all, why wait for the inevitable? It's better to invest in your education, hire yourself, and make yourself rich, not some other fellow.
And since you found this site, you know that starting your own importing business can be your ticket to this dream.
In the early days of commerce, the most common way to make money was to sell something for more than you acquired it. The Old World merchants would buy spice from farmers for pennies on the ounce; repackage it, and sell it to consumers across the oceans at a marked-up price. These early entrepreneurs understood the concept of mark-up and scaling to realize astronomical profits.
You can engage in this ancient strategy of buying low and selling high, and make yourself a modern-day wealthy merchant, able to buy the finer things in life like this brand-new Mercedes Benz Mclaren: